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Please note, access to delayed data is automatically included.
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1. First select your level of service
2. Select any optional real-time data that you require.
Note: access to all delayed data is automatically included.
3. Select optional additional upgrades
3. Select one of the mandatory levels of Blue United.
Blue United subscription is MANDATORY with all cmdtyView purchases.
1 user
2 to 4 users
5 to 9 users
Blue Ocean phone and email support (1 user)
Remote training sessions
Personalised workbooks
Prescient Weather 1st level support
Everything from Blue United Silver
Technical analysis webinars
Weather webinars
Weather reports
2 to 4 user customer support
Everything from Blue United Silver & Gold
5 to 9 user customer support
Datafeed support
10 to 19 users
20+ Users
Everything from Blue United Silver, Gold & Platinum
10 to 19 user customer support
Technical Ag and Softs Market commentaries
Annual face to face meetings
Everything from Blue United Silver, Gold & Platinum & Palladium
20+ Users customer support